Submission Opposing Treaty Principles Bill
Submission template created by lawyer, author and educator, Roimata Smail.
- Download template
- Add your name and whether or not you want to speak to the Justice Committee (para 1 and 2)
- Submit to the Justice Committee by 1pm, 14 JANUARY 2025 (you can watch this video to find out how. NB: the Committee will not accept by email).
Who am I?
Roimata Smail (Ngāti Maniapoto, Tainui) is a lawyer with two decades of experience specialising in Te Tiriti o Waitangi. She represented lead claimants in the Waitangi Tribunal Hauora Inquiry that led to the establishment of the Māori Health Authority Te Aka Whai Ora. She also acted on claims about Māori in prison, pēpi removed by Oranga Tamariki and the Crown response to COVID-19, and in cases under the Foreshore and Seabed Act 2004 and Takutai Moana Act 2011. She has a passion for education and runs workshops on Te Tiriti around Aotearoa, created an online resource for schools, wrote the bestselling book Understanding Te Tiriti in January 2024.
What is it?
I have written a template submission on the Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi Bill, that anyone can use to make a submission to the Select Committee. I am giving it to every New Zealander that wants to use it, through my website
The Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi Bill, is trying to create three new principles that don't match what was agreed in Te Tiriti o Waitangi. They are not really principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi. The people who signed in 1840 agreed to what they agreed to. It is important that New Zealanders tell the Government that it is not ok to undermine our country’s founding agreement, by passing a law that makes up new principles.
Why now?
If this Bill is passed and becomes a law, it will mean that Ministries, government Departments, and the Courts will be forced to apply these three new made up principles, instead of honouring what was agreed in Te Tiriti o Waitangi. This is the chance for New Zealanders to tell the Government that this is wrong.
Who can use this?
Any New Zealander, and I’ve especially written this template submission thinking of two groups. First this submission will help those who want to learn what the Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi Bill says and why it does not match what was agreed in 1840. Second, this template is for New Zealanders who want to stand up for Te Tiriti. Based on the quantity of sales of my book, I know that Aotearoa is interested in learning the facts about Te Tiriti o Waitangi. My book is short and simple and so is this template submission. It is only one page. I hope that if people haven't read my book yet or heard a talk from me, that even in reading the submission they'll learn some basic facts about Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
Do templates count?
Myth: Bulk template submissions are counted as one.
Fact: False. Select committees count all submissions individually. For example, the Environment Committee recently reviewed 26,855 submissions, including forms, on the Fast Track Approvals Bill. Every submission counts.
- Download template
- Add your name and whether or not you want to speak to the Justice Committee (para 1 and 2)
- Submit to the Justice Committee by 1pm 14 JANUARY 2025 (you can watch this video to find out how. NB: the Committee will not accept by email).
If you have any problems email the Justice Committee: You can send a copy to the Māori Affairs Select Committee so that they know what New Zealanders are saying:
Now. Submissions close 1pm 14 JANUARY 2025.